Chat with a Money coach

1:1 live chat money coach available to employees 24/7 to articulate smart financial goals and set a plan to achieve them.

Proven to encourage healthy money habits

A trial by the US government agency responsible for consumer protection in the financial sector Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) found those who had access to money coaching were more likely to use a budget and pay bills on time, set aside emergency funds and increase savings.

How Money coach builds financial wellbeing

Action plans developed based on SMART goals

The OECD has identified that when behaviourally-informed and easy to understand financial guidance is combined with personalised goal setting and coaching, individuals are better able to overcome behavioural change barriers such as procrastination and forgetfulness.

Conversations cover money personalities and beliefs

Setting smart financial goals and talking through possible options in a 1:1 confidential coaching chat helps employees overcome self-limiting beliefs and take steps to move forward. Being accountable to a coach helps employees focus on tasks that may require short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain.

The positive impact of Money coach

Employees engage in 1:1 confidential coaching session for a median time of 1 hour

Most popular financial goals include building savings, reducing costs and paying down debt

4 in 10 coaching conversations result in employees setting up a budget

What people say about Money coach

“I really appreciate the help, I’m honestly happy with any guidance with budgeting/money management, I think that having a money coach is a fantastic thing and something I wanted to take the opportunity of!”

“Wagestream was mentioned on my first day of training. I saw coaching on the app and as I kind of wanted to hit this new job running and get ahead on stuff, it seemed like the right idea to talk about money!”

How Money coach works

Let's transform your business

We're the mission-led responsible experts in financial wellbeing, providing award-winning innovative solutions to solve the number one employee concern — financial stress. We can have a financial wellbeing program up and running in your business in 4 weeks.

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Automated transfers so saving becomes second nature, helping employees to reach their goals faster.

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Making it easy for employees to see their earnings grow in real-time, so they can budget confidently and pick up extra shifts when needed.

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Flexible pay

Remove the need for employees to rely on high-cost credit by providing access to a percentage of earned wages - instantly available.

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Personalised financial education to help employees with money management principles and break behavioural barriers that hold people back.

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